Conflict of interest resolution
The Company has a Corporate Conflict Settlement Policy of Transtelecom JSC, adopted by a resolution of the Board of Directors, which regulates the procedure of corporate conflicts settlement between KTZ NC JSC and other bodies of the Company.
The Company provides the most complete and speedy identification of corporate conflicts, if they may arise in the Company, and clear coordination of actions of the Company's bodies, namely:
Ensures the identification of corporate conflicts at the earliest stages of their development and their careful consideration by the Company, its officials and employees;
Assigns the accounting of corporate conflicts registration of messages received from shareholders, letters and demands to the Corporate Secretary of the Company.The Corporate Secretary of the Company gives them preliminary assessment and transfers them to that body of the Company the competence of which includes consideration of this conflict.
Within the shortest possible period determines its position on the conflict matter, makes an appropriate decision and brings it to the attention of shareholders.
The Corporate Secretary ensures proper consideration of shareholders 'appeals by the Company and resolution of conflicts related to the violation of shareholders' rights. In the branches of the Company, the organization of such work should be assigned to the persons who lead them. However, in this case, the Corporate Secretary of the Company must have full information about corporate conflicts that have arisen in the Company's branches;
In 2018 there were no instances of conflict of interest in the Company.