Workplace safety
Health protection
Workplace safety
OHS work in the Company is aimed at achievement of the main goal of labor protection - creation of working conditions that meet the requirements of employees' life and health preservation in the work process, reduction of the risks of accidents at work and orientation of the Company's subdivisions to the safest technological processes and equipment .
In order to fulfill these tasks, we carefully study all the features of production and analyze emergency situations. This gives an opportunity to develop a specific scheme used to prevent the negative consequences of the production process.
The motivational maps of senior employees for 2018 provide for KPIs taking into account the number of accidents. The KPI Motivation Map and Passport (accidents) have been adopted by the Board of Directors of Transtelecom JSC. At the same time, they set a formula that provides for the quality of ongoing OSH processes aimed at accidents prevention.
By awarding distinguished engineers for their work to the Day of Labor Protection, celebrated annually on April 28, the evaluation category “engagement on OSH issues” was introduced. We also integrated a unified system for evaluating biotechnological engineering of branches.
42 measurable assessment indicators reflect the requirements of the model regulation on occupational safety and labor protection, as well as issues of involvement in OSH.
Thus, according to the developed system, it is possible to establish a rating for each engineer of biotechnological engineering of branches. When exercising internal control under a single checklist of a biotechnical of a branch, the overall work of the entire branch is evaluated. At the end they receive a Certificate of the audit.
We invest in labor safety improvement
Transtelecom JSC annually develops and implements a labor protection program, the main expenses of which are for the purchase of personal protective equipment, special shoes and special clothes, mandatory medical examinations, certification of workplaces as regard the working conditions, training in safe methods of work, as well as improvement of working conditions.
According to the results of the analysis of a fatal accident in Almaty that took place on April 11, 2017 (Sorokin), they made a decision to isolate the grounding slopes of telecommunication equipment on wooden poles. This decision is considered as a norm in the Rules for maintenance of linear subscriber facilities of local telecommunication networks SOP 6.3-29/02-17, approved by order of the Vice President for Development and Legal Affairs dated July 20, 2017 No.302-VP.
According to the action plan, the company shall acquire a communication cable with an internal cable, which prevents the accidental touch by electricians and electric shock.
In 1999-2000, when the Company was its early stage of foundation, Transtelecom JSC inherited overhead communication lines from NC KTZ hanged both on the communication and electrical poles, as well as the poles of third-party organizations. When the Company makes an annual budget, the technical services of the CO and branches provided for expenses for not using the electric poles and poles of other organizations. However, due to the fact that priority was given to revenue-generating projects, the costs of maintenance of aerial lines have been minimized.
Due to the increasing incidence of injuries and fatal accidents during the performance of work by personnel at the branches of Transtelecom JSC in 2017, as well as the unsatisfactory condition of aerial communication lines (ACL laid was hanged on electric poles, lighting poles, as well as on roofs and attics, fences where communication cables pass in close proximity to electric cables), “Modernization and development of the network” and “Network operation” blocks, they have drawn up a Plan of “Comprehensive work on getting off the lines and electric networks” that provide for the costs in the amount of 2.3 billion tenge. The Plan includes work on dismantling overhead communication lines from power transmission towers and electric networks with the subsequent construction of their own towers, channels and sewers for cable laying. The total mileage of communication lines to be transferred from power lines (voltage of 10 kV and 0.4 kV) is 380 km. p It was decided to carry out work requiring urgent measures to get off the power lines at the expense of the operating budget. Human Rights Observance Health protection We invest in labor safety improvement Workplace safety Workplace safety 06 SUSTAINABILITY 65
For this end, the supply of reinforced concrete bailiffs was made in full to all branches in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Also, under the concluded agreement with ACCA 2016 LLP No. 88/01 of August 15, 2018, the communication poles are being delivered to 14 branches of Transtelecom JSC.
At the same time, taking into account the optimization of the Company's expenses, parts of key costs were allocated: 46.689 million tenge (31.455 million tenge of work + 15.234 million tenge of registration) for urgent work on moving communication lines from the most dangerous sections. The “General technical support of networks” sector sent an application for the introduction of the procurement procedure for this work in the APP 2019.
The plan of comprehensive actions aimed at improving the safety and labor protection conditions for 2018 provides for 96 million 154 thousand tenge, which is 1.26% of the payroll fund of the Company.
Compared with the previous year (2017 - 63 million 967 thousand tenge) in 2018, the planned costs increased by 32 million 187 thousand tenge, that is by 50%.
Costs of the Comprehensive plan to improve working conitions, mln.
- 120
- 100
- 80
- 60
- 40
- 20
Overalls and PPE
In order to avoid recurrence of untimely delivery of overalls and personal protective equipment as it was in 2016, they carry out a weekly monitoring of delivery. For feedback on the quality of the supplied overalls and personal protective equipment, safety and labor engineers at the branches and the central office, as well as trade union representatives, are involved. To ensure safe operation in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the “Instruction on the procedure for providing employees of Transtelecom JSC with protective clothing, safety shoes and other personal protective equipment” was approved. According to this instruction, they perform and schedule procurement procedures
Work in pulling chambers
When working in pulling chambers, to ensure safe operation, the branches were equipped with fans for blowing out toxic gases, with gas analyzers that determine the content of toxic gases in the pulling chambers. The branches have been also instructed to conduct technical classes on the use of tools and devices for safe work in pulling chambers.
We improve the occupational health and safety issues management system
The Company has a modern OSH management system aimed at creation of safe working conditions, preventing occupational injuries, and developing a culture of safe work and training of employees in safety rules.
Transtelecom JSC has developed and approved the Occupational Safety and Health Policy and adopted the documented procedure titled "Safety and Health Management System" "Operations Manual on the organization of control over labor safety and protection", "Operations Manual on the procedure of Transtelecom JSC's employees provision with overalls, special footwear and other personal protective equipment", which defines the main goals, principles and directions of the Company's activities to ensure healthy and safe working conditions and a unified system of labor protection management is established.
To improve the processes of assignment of tasks among the electric staff, the Company is working on the introduction of a system of electronic job assignments on mobile devices using electronic digital signatures.
Taking into account the norms of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On electronic document and electronic digital signature”, the company is negotiating with the authorized body in the field of energy regarding amendments to the Safety Rules for the operation of electrical installations of consumers, a program is being developed for electronic document turnover among electric staff.
According to the planned calculations, the costs until the end of 2022 amount to 121.7 million tenge (85 million tenge - communication services and smartphones, 35 million tenge - program).
Rate of accidents
The most susceptible to high levels of injuries are workers employed in jobs with high risks, harmful and dangerous production factors - electricians employed in the operation of overhead communication lines (work at heights) and communication lines laid in pulling chambers (work in pulling chambers). We pay special attention to provision them with safe working conditions.
The measures developed and the anticipated expenses of 2018 helped to prevent the recurrence of accidents that occurred in 2017 (electrical injuries, falls).
At the same time, in 2018 3 production-related cases were registered (two cases dated 10.11.2018, one dated 12.10.2018).
All 3 cases occurred as a result of road traffic accidents on vehicles and are not related to the core business of the Company.
Branch | Degree of employee's guilt | Degree of employer's guilt | Comment |
Aktobetranstelecom | 80 | 20 | |
Kostanaytranstelecom in Shymkent | 80 | 20 | |
Zhambyltranstelecom | 0 | 10 | By a court ruling of the Chu district of the Zhambyl region No 3-1062/18 dated 12/13/2018 the third-party B.Ye. Zhazybay was found guilty |
To prevent these cases, they provided measures (increasing of drivers' responsibility, as well as the obligation of passengers to use safety equipment in vehicles).